Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A coincidence

...and what a coincidence. Ten years ago today The Boy Who Lived received his first owl mail.

My head is not exactly in this world as is apparent.


Euri said...

Totally off topic but--:

Is that Ria from Akazukin Chacha in your background? ^_^;;

Lyn said...

Oooh I thought of the same thing too on the 31st July. Out of the blue, I said to my roommate "It's Harry Potter's birthday today". Roommate's response: -_-"

ndhaniya said...

Thank ye very much! birthday greetings are popping up in the most.. diverse... of ways this year =)
tc cookie!

admin said...

Hi, you have a ver nice blog, congratulations.
Can you visit my blog please:

Ruzhi said...

Ei, update your blog la!